The Neighbourhood Centre Program

Working closely with communities

In order to address a diverse range of place-based issues and opportunities. With the goal of fostering a caring and supportive environment, we operate multiple Neighbourhood Centres that serve as hubs for community engagement.

Our Neighbourhood Centres are designed to be responsive to the unique needs and interests of the communities they serve. We understand that every community has its own set of challenges and opportunities, and we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that empower individuals and strengthen the collective fabric of the community.

Two women smiling and posing for the camera. The woman on the left has gray hair and wears glasses, dressed in a colorful patterned shirt. The woman on the right has dark hair and is wearing a turquoise shirt. Both appear happy and friendly.


Neighbourhood Centres provide

Learning opportunities

Groups and classes give you the chance to learn and grow with your community

Sense of Community

Groups and classes that have a focus on forming community connections, enhancing well-being and resilience


By relieving isolation, loneliness and boredom, and building the sense of trust, safety and belonging, the Neighbourhood Centre activities can reduce the need for expensive and intensive services.


To enable sustainability of the local communityโ€™s wellbeing through addressing a range of needs

Social justice

To address social justice issues through awareness raising, community education and social action.


Neighbourhood Centres aim to be accessible, safe and welcoming for all community members.

What's happening at our Community Centres