I need money

I need money

We provide financial assistance for people across Brisbane

We can provide emergency payments for food and petrol, as well as no-interest loans for larger items . We can also help you reduce your SPER debt. If you need our help navigating our services, please call us or find your friendly local community centre.

Emergency Relief

Our emergency relief program helps those in need during times of financial hardship. We can provide financial support through food and petrol vouchers, as well as partial bill payments.

Brisbane North, Inner City and West

In person


Call (07) 3198 4410 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11am – 1pm. No callbacks or message bank are available for this service.

Brisbane South

A sketch of the Acacia Ridge Community Centre

Phone or Email

Please call (07) 3277 4893 or email belong@communify.org.au to arrange.

Other Financial Support

No Interest Loans Scheme

Loans are approved on an individual basis. The loan amount is dependent on how much is required to purchase a particular item however; there is a maximum loan amount of $2000 per person.

We also offer consumer advocacy, budgeting and purchasing advice.

Applicants need to:

SPER Debt Reduction

The Work Development Order (WDO) program offers eligible people the opportunity to reduce or clear SPER debts through voluntary work or education. This program aims to support people to address financial obligations while fostering personal and professional development.

To learn more about this program, call 1300 365 635 or read the Work and Development Order fact sheet on the Queensland Government website.

Financial Counsellor

A financial counsellor is available at North West Community Hub in Bardon and at Acacia Ridge Community Centre every 2 weeks. 

Acacia RidgeFinancial counsellors are available by appointment on Mondays and fortnightly on Wednesdays. Bookings are essential. To book please call 3277 4893 or email us:

Bardon – appointments fortnightly on Tuesdays at 9am and 12pm. 

Bookings are essential – call us to book your appointment.