

Event Series Bardon Bubs

Bardon Bubs

Bardon Hall 247b Simpsons Road, Bardon, Queensland, Australia

Bardon has a new mothers group! We are a mothers group for mums and bubs under 12 months old. Our aim is to create a space for you to gather […]


Young People’s Gratitude Group – Alcoholics Anonymous

Jeays St Community Centre 12 Jeays St, Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia

This meeting is an open meeting, available to any young people interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Non-alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.

Event Series Tai Chi @ Newmarket

Tai Chi @ Newmarket

The Newmarket 212 Ashgrove Ave, Newmarket, Queensland, Australia

Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia This is genuine Tai Chi for health and well-being as taught by the Taoist Tai Chi Society, a volunteer and not-for-profit organisation founded by […]