

Got a question or looking for help?

Complete the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We are open Monday to Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.

If you’re thinking about volunteering or working with us, head to Join us or Volunteer area of our website for more information and to register your interest.

Forms not your thing? Give us a call or send an email.

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Head office location

Communify Head Office is located at 180 Jubilee Tce, Bardon

We’re just a short walk from the Bardon Central Shopping Centre (60 MacGregor Terrace)

You can reach us using the following Translink buses arriving at bus stop 15, McGregor Terrace, Bardon (190m walk).

Bus Routes

Neighbourhood Centres

North West Brisbane Community Hub

New Farm Neighbourhood Centre

Acacia Ridge Community Centre (belong)

Jeays Street Community Centre

Mental Health Services

Recovery and Discovery Centre

Springboard (Alcohol and Other Drugs Program)

The Way Back

Aged Care Services & Support

Refer to us

Your feedback

Submit your feedback here. No fields are compulsory; you can provide feedback anonymously if you wish.

Thank-you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.

You can provide feedback by speaking to our staff either on the phone, in person or by completing the web form below.

Your comments can remain anonymous but if you would like a response please provide your contact details.

Feedback form

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