
Sharing your stories with the Communify family

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Nulla pharetra magna id venenatis ornare. Donec pharetra lectus non ex mollis, id porttitor nunc dignissim. Vivamus ultricies enim ut tincidunt faucibus. Vestibulum mollis imperdiet euismod. Vivamus aliquet arcu ac porta pellentesque. Nulla bibendum tempus orci, non dictum velit consequat quis. Curabitur pellentesque ligula et varius facilisis.

Smiling elderly woman with gray hair wearing a red jacket over a white blouse with a floral pattern. She appears cheerful and is seated in a vehicle, with another person partially visible in the background.

During the pandemic, Peter’s hoarding behaviours and mental health worsened, making it near to impossible to maintain a safe and secure tenancy.

Rhonda’s story is a demonstration of utmost courage and resilience to seek her own independence and forge a sense of security and permanence for her son, as he grows up in a new country.

Miss P’s story speaks volumes to her courage and unwavering hope to create a safer home for her young daughter.

Prolific artist Varinia Street is one of Communify’s most engaged community members, with a personality as vibrant as her artwork.

Talented chef Phillipe was unemployed, homeless, and struggling with severe mental health challenges when he was referred by a social worker to Communify’s Sustaining Tenancies team.

44-year-old David first came to Communify as a participant in our Springboard program in 2019 to recover from addiction. After completing the Springboard program twice to recover from his addiction, David is now benefiting from ongoing support through the Recovery and Discovery Centre. The program is not only helping David manage his mental health on a daily basis; the support he has received has also been empowering for David and has helped him embrace his true sense of self.