Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal information collected by Communify is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). Personal information is any information or an opinion that identifies you or is reasonably identifiable and includes sensitive and health information. Communify will protect your information in accordance with the thirteen (13) Australian Privacy Principles. These principles govern how we can collect, use, store and disclose personal information, how individuals may access and correct personal information held about them, as well as ensuring the quality and security of your personal information.

Communify has developed a Privacy Policy to protect your privacy. The Policy is available here or in hard copy on request. It contains more information about our responsibilities, your rights, the information that may be collected by Communify, and how it would be used.

Collection of Information

Communify collects personal information directly from individuals or from their legal representative. Communify collects information from clients and prospective clients in order to ensure that the most effective services are provided to clients.

If individuals do not wish to provide some or all of the information we request, we may not be able to provide them with the service they are seeking.

Use and disclosure

The primary purpose for collecting personal information from individuals is to provide services to community members, including planning, funding, delivering, monitoring, reporting on and evaluating our services. The kind of information we collect will depend on your relationship with Communify (e.g. as a client, donor, business partner, employee, volunteer). A collection notice will be given to you setting out these uses at or close to the time we collect any information.

Access and correction of information

All personal information collected from individuals will be securely stored by Communify and protected from unauthorised use or access. All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure information is accurate and up-to-date. You have the right to read any personal information kept about you. Our Privacy Policy details the process for requesting access to your personal information and making a privacy complaint.

Overseas recipients

Communify’s data is backed up within Australia. Personal information to web-based email addresses such as Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail could be stored outside Australia in countries which do not have privacy legislation comparable to Australia. Communify will take steps that are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the Australian Privacy Principles.

Further Information

If you would like additional information about how Communify manages your personal information you may contact us on (07) 3510 2700 or Alternatively you can complete a Compliment, Suggestion & Complaint form that is available on our website or from any of Communify’s locations.

View our Privacy Policy here