The National Disability Insurance Scheme

Communify’s NDIS services support you to live your best life

At Communify, we work with each and every participant to help you live your best life, and this is the principle that drives our approach to delivering supports through the NDIS. Our staff are chosen for their expertise in providing specialised supports for NDIS participants with a primary diagnosis of psychosocial disability. Their warm, caring, client-centric approach ensures that the focus always remains on participants’ needs.

Communify offers support coordination, recovery coaching and supports to build the confidence and skills of our NDIS participants. We also provide a broad range of social activities through our place-based community networks that foster social connectedness for participants.

“Since starting supports with Communify, I have been able to get out into the community again. This has meant a lot to me as I was very alone before, and when I am alone too much I feel worse. I even get to go to church again and and feel connected to my church group.” – James Nguyen, Communify NDIS participant

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people who have a permanent and significant disability.

The NDIS takes a whole of life approach to working with participants and is based around the development of individualised, flexible supports to give people the help they need at the times they need it.

Eligible people with disability can obtain funding from the NDIS to help them access supports and services so they can gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, new skills, employment opportunities, and an enhanced quality of life.

The NDIS also connects anyone with disability to services in their community, and Communify is a community provider of NDIS support services.

Who is this service for?

Communify is a specialist provider of psychosocial NDIS support services. If you:

  • are under 65
  • reside in inner North Brisbane
  • have a primary diagnosis of a psychosocial disability that significantly affects your ability to take part in everyday activities

Then Communify’s NDIS services may be a great fit for you.

How Communify can help you

Choose Communify as your NDIS provider and we’ll be able to provide you with a wide range of supports, including:

  • Support coordination
  • Assistance with daily life
  • Assistance with social and community participation
  • Transport
  • Connecting you with housing support services
  • Managing important relationships
  • Cultivating positive health and wellbeing practices

We work in a strengths-based, inclusive way aimed at supporting your needs and assisting you to achieve your goals.

We can provide information on how to access the scheme, and we can assist in preparing for planning meetings.

If your plan includes support coordination our Support Coordinators can work with you to implement your plan and we can help set up your agreements with service providers.

Click here for our referral form

“After experiencing a royal mess-around from previous support coordination providers, it has been hard for me to trust in the NDIS or providers. Since working with Communify and Katrine, I have been able to slowly build capacity around logging into my NDIS portal and feeling more in control of my life and NDIS funding, actively participating in conversations around goal setting and how I will achieve them as well. I am now enrolling into a Gemmology Diploma course and am really looking forward to getting to learn more about something I love.” – Deirdre Philpot, Communify NDIS participant

Contact Us

For further information about Communify and the NDIS, please contact our NDIS team on (07) 3510 2733, or email