Jazzercise Classes

Jazzercise Classes

Newmarket Hall 212 Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove

Are you ready for a workout that never gets boring? Introducing Jazzercise Classes! These classes incorporate dance cardio with strength training to sculpt and tone your muscles in the ultimate…

Queer Artists Makers Market

Queer Artists Makers Market

New Farm Neighbourhood Centre 967 Brunswick St, New Farm

New Farm Park Neighbourhood Centre will be hosting a monthly Saturday market of local art and craft makers stalls. There are no fees to the makers to ensure you get…

Tai Chi @ Newmarket

Tai Chi @ Newmarket

The Newmarket 212 Ashgrove Ave, Newmarket

Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia This is genuine Tai Chi for health and well-being as taught by the Taoist Tai Chi Society, a volunteer and not-for-profit organisation founded by…