

Springboard is an 18-week day treatment program for people experiencing co-occurring alcohol and other drug (AOD) and mental health difficulties. We provide support in a group setting as an alternative to residential rehabilitation.

You can either self-refer or we take referrals on your behalf from your support team.

Community Support

Who we help

The Springboard program supports people who:

Springboard is a post-detox treatment and requires participants to have completed detox or be stabilised on replacement program prior to commencement.

How we help

The Springboard program is based in Spring Hill and runs six times per year, approximately 8 weeks apart. The program involves a 6-week intensive group followed by 12 weeks of individual support and access to ongoing peer group support.

The program takes a holistic approach to mental health and AOD recovery incorporating gym exercise, yoga, dietitian and mindfulness sessions. Underpinned by an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy framework, Springboard supports people to take a strengths and values focused approach to their own recovery.

Staff perform needs assessments of each participant and also provide referral support based on individual circumstances.

Springboard’s effectiveness in treating comorbidity is evidenced through clinically significant reductions in both psychological distress and AOD dependence at completion of the 6-week group stage, and then again upon exit from the program 12 weeks later.

Please note the program does not offer supervised detox or counselling services.

Stories from our clients

Springboard embodied the spirit of second chances, while Communify represented the power of community and shared experiences, reminding me that healing is not just a destination but a continuous journey towards a richer, fuller life. Together, we navigated the challenges of addiction, turning despair into hope and isolation into connection.

Prolific artist Varinia Street is one of Communify’s most engaged community members, with a personality as vibrant as her artwork.

With the diverse range of services Communify offers, often our clients will engage with various different supports along their journey with us. And on occasion, we have been lucky enough to bring clients on board with us as valued employees after they have radically transformed their lives. This is the inspiring trajectory that our former client, and now part-time employee Eron Waller followed.

How to contact us

You can call our team on 3308 4513 between 8am-4pm Monday-Friday, or email springboard@communify.org.au. You can self-refer to Springboard, or we can accept referrals made on your behalf. Download the referral form here and email it to us.

You can make referrals at any time; however, formal program intake occurs 1 month prior to each group’s scheduled commencement date.