No Interest Loans

No Interest Loans

Communify’s No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) can be used to access safe and affordable credit to purchase white goods (i.e. fridges, freezers), essential household items, medical equipment, or items that increase the wellbeing of individuals and families

A person wearing an orange shirt is using a calculator while writing notes on a stack of papers. The focus is on their hands as they press buttons on the calculator.

Who we help

To apply for a NILS loan, you need to:

  • Have a health care card/pension card (or be of low income)
  • Proof of current residence
  • Have a valid quote from one (or more) supplier(s) with an ABN and payment details

Communify Qld offer NILS loans in association with Good Shepherd Microfinance.

(Note: no cash loans are available and there are no application fees or interest charged on these loans)

How we help

We will assess the loan application on a case-by-case basis. The loan amount will depend on the item, but it can be no more than $2000 per person. Repayments are usually set at an affordable amount over a 12-24 month period dependent upon each person’s financial situation.

We also offer consumer advocacy, budgeting and purchasing advice.

How to enquire

Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Where to contact us

You can email the NILS team or call one of your local community centres.