Communify Navigators
Communify Navigators
Communify Navigators is a care finder service for vulnerable older people that Communify delivers in a consortium with MICAH Projects and Queensland Positive People (QPP). The program is part of a national network of care finder services.
Communify Navigators provides specialist and intensive assistance to help participants understand and access aged care and connect with other relevant support in the community.

Who we help
The Communify Navigators program is specifically designed for senior Australians needing intensive support who could otherwise fall through the cracks. This will include people who are not yet receiving aged care services, as well as those who are.
Participants will need to meet the eligibility criteria for aged care services and have one or more reasons for requiring intensive support. These may include:
- Requires support to interact with My Aged Care and access aged care services and/or other relevant support in the community.
- Isolated or have no support person (e.g. carer, family or representative) whom they are comfortable to act on their behalf and/or who is willing and able to support them to access aged care services via My Aged Care
- Communication barriers, including limited literacy skills
- Difficulty processing information to make decisions
- Resistance to engage with aged care services, institutions or the government for any reason
- Their safety is either at immediate risk, or they are likely to end up in crisis within 12 months
Eligibility for aged care services:
- People require help with one or more everyday tasks and
- are 65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people)
The Brisbane North Communify Navigators team services the Brisbane Inner City, Brisbane North and Brisbane West regions, and the Brisbane South Communify Navigators team supports eligible people on Brisbane’s southside.
Care finders will complement, and should not duplicate, the My Aged Care channels that provide support to people who are able to proactively navigate the system for themselves.
How we help
The Communify Navigators program supports vulnerable older people by providing:
- Understanding of aged care services and how to access them
- Coordination of support when seeking to access aged care
- Openness to engage with the aged care system
- Care finder workforce capability to meet client needs
- Access to aged care services and connections with other relevant supports
- Support to stay connected to the services they need post-commencement
How to contact us
Both our Brisbane South and Brisbane North teams are available Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm and can be contacted via phone or email for any enquiries.
Brisbane North
Brisbane South
Please note if our Brisbane South team has a waitlist, referrals will be redirected to MICAH Projects’ Care Finder program.