Communify’s long-day care centre, nestled in the leafy suburb of Bardon, offers a nurturing, caring environment for all children and their families.
Our childcare centre specialises in multi-age education and operates 48 weeks of the year to create an environment conducive to play for young children.
Who we help
There is a large amount of research that shows the best learning occurs when a child is in an environment where they feel safe and connected. The benefits of multi-age care include:
- Siblings can be together in the same group regardless of age.
- Our children ‘grow up’ with the same group of educators.
- Families and educators build long term collaborations and professional relationships.
- Our children develop empathy and respect for others’ abilities and learn to work and play with people of varying competencies.
Play is the way children make sense of their world and is the natural way they learn. We follow the Early Years Learning framework to ensure we deliver the five major learning outcomes for all the children at our centre.
The program and environment are carefully arranged so that children have access to a range of resources that challenge them to develop new skills or practise recently acquired ones.
We believe that children are capable and competent learners and our program focuses on their strengths and interests. Our program is developed and negotiated by both the children, families and teachers, allowing the children to feel empowered in their own choices. While our routine is structured, it is highly adaptable and flexible.
How to contact us
We are no longer taking enrolments. You can email us or call (07) 3510 2711 with any questions.
Where to find us
Our childcare centre is located at 180 Jubilee Tce, Bardon.