Family Support

Family Support

Protecting children, celebrating childhood and supporting families are essential to maintaining healthy, happy communities.

Communify delivers family support services with the aim of creating an environment where children and their families experience caring relationships and feel supported to learn and grow.

Intensive Family Support

The Brisbane North Intensive Family Support service (IFS) is a free and voluntary service that can support families under pressure with the aim of keeping children safe. The service is delivered in partnership with Act for Kids.

IFS provides families with complex needs with the assistance and resources you need to overcome challenges in raising and nurturing children.

Bindi Bindi Place

Bindi Bindi Place is a purpose built, seven-day shared care centre using a proven model for supporting our most vulnerable children under six years of age and their parents.

Bindi Bindi Place will protect children, break the cycle of abuse, and give children and families better lives and futures.

It’s an innovative intervention model that can be promoted through this flagship project and then replicated in other Australian neighbourhoods, cities and states. We’re currently seeking partnerships and financial support to bring this pilot program to life.

Help us make Bindi Bindi Place a reality.