Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels
Our Meals on Wheels home visiting service delivers hearty, nutritious meals three days a week to eligible people located in Paddington and surrounding suburbs. A friendly meal delivery and check-in from our staff and volunteers can help you feel more connected to your community and be a valuable support when you are recovering from illness or injury.

Who we help
Our Meals on Wheels service is available to people who:
- Are aged 65 years or over, or on a disability support pension if aged under 65 years
- Are located in Paddington, Bardon, Auchenflower, Milton, Red Hill or Kelvin Grove
- Have obtained the relevant referral code through MyAgedCare
How we help
Meals on Wheels staff and volunteers deliver chilled or frozen meals from our Paddington Centre to your door from 10:30am-12pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Gluten free or lactose free meals are available.
Our main meals are $7.50 each, with an option to add soup and/or dessert for $2.50 each. Sandwiches are $4.50.
How to contact us
You can contact our team on 3368 3723 or email between 8am-4pm Monday-Friday to check your eligibility and apply to receive Meals on Wheels. Please note that you will need to provide the relevant referral code from MyAgedCare.
Where to find us
Communify’s Meals on Wheels service is located in our Paddington Day Respite Centre at 132 Latrobe Tce, Paddington.