We are involved with several local community gardens around Brisbane. We’re thrilled to be a part of this vibrant, environmentally-focused, grass-roots movement.

Green Corner Community Garden

Green Corner is located on land owned by the Department of Main Roads at the corner of Waterworks Rd and Jubilee Tce Ashgrove.

This community garden provides a rare space in the inner city for people to come together to grow edible plants, to learn skills, build friendships and to experience the joy that gardening together can bring.

Garden members usually have their own plot to tend and share the work of maintaining the communal areas, creating energy rich compost and will also come together for social catch ups. Together, garden members will plan working bees and will work closely with Communify staff on identifying projects and priorities.

Green corner logo

To see our latest projects in the garden or to get in touch, please visit the Green Corner Facebook group.

Support the Green Corner Community Garden by becoming a financial member:

Green Corner is grateful to have had many of its projects supported through Brisbane City Council’s grants programs.



Proudly funded by the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

Qld Government

Chapel Hill Community Garden

Established in 2020, this community garden is located at Green Hill Reservoir (Russell Tce Chapel Hill) on the site of the home of the former Reservoir caretaker’s house.

New volunteers are welcome to join monthly planning meetings, working bees and to help with the watering roster. To stay in touch, check out the Facebook page or join the Facebook Group.

Support the Chapel Hill Community Garden by becoming a financial member

Brisbane City Council Centre Colour

The Brook Community Garden

Established in 2017, this lovely community garden is located at the former pony club along Kedron Brook, at 171 McConaghy St, Mitchelton. The space is shared with Valleys Cricket Club and is fortunate to have a club house and sheds.

The garden hosts a Brisbane City Council Composting Hub and holds regular working bees that everyone is welcome to join. The garden boasts a club house where meetings, planning and special garden knowledge is shared over cups of tea.

Garden members will also hold workshops in native bee keeping, craft and gardening. Stay in touch with what’s on by following their Facebook page.

Brisbane City Council Centre Colour

Jeays Street Community Garden

Four people gardening

Located right next to the Jeays Street Community Centre in Bowen Hills, this community garden has shared community plots and hosts a Brisbane City Council composting hub.

Community members are welcome to join in regular working bees, currently on Mondays. To check it out, pick up a copy of the Jeays Street What’s On at the community centre or you can see our latest What’s On.